By Coley - 29/01/2009 22:46 - Canada

Today, I went to the doctor to talk about my depression and low self-esteem. He told me that I shouldn't think of myself as a fat pig for being overweight. I don't think that and I'm NOT overweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 965
You deserved it 3 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

What kind of doctor was this? Either you need to get a new psychologist, or why the hell did you go to an MD to discuss your depression and low self-esteem? And if it was in fact an MD, then I'd say he can tell you better than anyone whether or not your overweight.

Doctors suck. Take up exercise (because it helps with depression, not for weight) and talk to someone capable of helping.


Being overweight isn't a matter of opinion. You don't have to think you are, facts are facts

PL0WW 20

Doctors are generally considered to be experts. If the doctor says you're overweight, you probably are.

PL0WW 20

Doctors are generally considered to be experts. If the doctor says you're overweight, you probably are.

Someone is in denial about their weight...

if a person calls you overweight then most likely you are. a stranger wouldn't lie especially if hes an nd, he would know what hes talking about, but a psychiatrist is the person you need to talk to about your problems not an md. good luck with that, they'd be more sensitive to your issues

is your doc doctor nader ahmad? that ass saod of my wifes social anxoety made her anxious about eating it wiuld be great....we're too poor to overeat

Double negative: I DONT think I'm NOT fat.

(super late) It's the denial that depresses you