By Nails - 22/02/2009 03:16 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor with my parents. When the doctor asked if I was sexually active, I said 'Yes.' My mom laughed and said 'Good one.' My dad, for added effect said, 'Your hand doesn't count.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 130
You deserved it 7 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actually masturbation does count as sexual activity from a medical point of view.

RuSerious81 2

Wait...why did your parents go in with you to see a doctor?


if your old enough to be "sexually active" then why are your parents at the doctors with you?

I'm 16 and in my doctors since I am under 18 it is mandatory for me to have a parent or guardian with me.

callmesillyxxx 1

im 15 and my mom has to leave the room, doctors orders, so she can ask me in secret. she not obligated to tell my mother anythinh

Um how old R U and why were your parents at the hospital with you?

I go alone to the docter since i was 13... To bring a parent is one thing but why on earth would you bring both?!

bubo_fml 10

Really freak em out by asking..."Animal, mineral or vegetable?"