By Nails - 22/02/2009 03:16 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor with my parents. When the doctor asked if I was sexually active, I said 'Yes.' My mom laughed and said 'Good one.' My dad, for added effect said, 'Your hand doesn't count.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 130
You deserved it 7 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actually masturbation does count as sexual activity from a medical point of view.

RuSerious81 2

Wait...why did your parents go in with you to see a doctor?


My mom always stays inside the dam room when im at the doctors even if i want her to get out, its annoying, but im 13

KristelDreams 0

Hmmmm... Doesn't the doc ask for your parents to leave before asking questions like that? Mine does...

_shit_happens_ 0

if you are old enough for the doctor to even think about asking if you are sexually active your parents shouldnt need to be in the room with you the doctor makes my mom sit in the waiting room cuz she thinks ill lie if my mom is there

deadlycandii 0

lmao...that fucken funni but messed

Dunne147 0

don't go in the Doctor's room with your mom! but what the doctor said was kinda inappropriate, still funny though.

I've had my mom in there and I demanded that she leave and she would simply refuse.... She doesn't have a lot of respect for my wishes... Really pisses me off

i went to the doctor with both my parents in the room... when i was 9 years old.

wolfman2012 0

i could see the parents being in there for the previous (and non-personal) questions, this happened to me with my mom but she left once the doctor started asking those cause she could tell i wasn't comfortable with her there