By Nails - 22/02/2009 03:16 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor with my parents. When the doctor asked if I was sexually active, I said 'Yes.' My mom laughed and said 'Good one.' My dad, for added effect said, 'Your hand doesn't count.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 130
You deserved it 7 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actually masturbation does count as sexual activity from a medical point of view.

RuSerious81 2

Wait...why did your parents go in with you to see a doctor?


Today, I was frantically searching through my purse looking for my cell phone, as I do several times a day. My friend asked what I was so stressed about and when I told her I must have left my phone at home and would have to go get it, she said, you're talking on it dummy! FML.

andriod18 4

But why are your parents with you at the doctor's office?

I'm trying to figure out why your parents were in with you during your appt.

if you are old enough to be having sex why in the world were both your parents in with you while you saw the Dr. aren't you a bit old for that?

why in the world would both of your Parents be in the room? if you're old enough to have sex then you're old enough to see the Dr alone.

crackpot8007t 7

So it doesn't matter if you're having sex with another human being or not, your life still sucks! 🤣

peterblack67 9

If you're old enough to be asked that question then why were your parents in the room? Thats bizarre.

randybryant799 20

Why in the world were your parents in with you? Aren't you too old for that?