By flustered - 28/07/2009 22:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. My checker was very hot. When it came time for me to pay, I swiped my debit card and the machine kept rejecting it. Sure that I had money in my account, I did it again, before the cute checker informed me that I was swiping my driver's license, not my debit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 350
You deserved it 52 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted


Eh, that's okay in my book. You could have given it a try and just told her why you were so discracted, while you were at it. I mean, at this point you had nothing to lose right ? :p

haha, man. do it somewhere else. ur in damn store, everyone look at u.

I would at least inform you that you were using your licence as a debit. But sometimes it makes the day go by better :)

BigSky 5

You must have had a blonde moment.

Ydi but that's sort of cute and silly more than anything else.

waterynuggets 0

Jizzed in yer pants, eh? MLIA

kc2_fml 0

why in all register FML are the cashiers "hot" or "cute" I hardly ever see a cute cashier in any store I go

A driver's license does have a magnetic strip. At least they do in Ontario. A lot of clubs here have swipe machines so if someone has scratched their license to change their birth year they can swipe it and find out how old they really are!