By flustered - 28/07/2009 22:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. My checker was very hot. When it came time for me to pay, I swiped my debit card and the machine kept rejecting it. Sure that I had money in my account, I did it again, before the cute checker informed me that I was swiping my driver's license, not my debit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 350
You deserved it 52 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obwaban 0

haha, woooooooow. someone is easily distracted


Tell the checker you were distracted; turn it into a flirt. :P

greendaygirl112 0

did u get his or her # or name god try alittle recovery

aidenkush 0

:o that would suck sooo bad

omgitsgabby 0
sexkitten129 3

omg I have totally done that before! lol

Lunachic91 6

lmao I did that once cause I was flustered and nervous! Not exactly a FML though.

couturegirl2 7

agree w/ #10. drivers licences don't have a magnetic strip....'re stupid enough to swipe your license and you also don't know the word "cashier"? I'm ashamed you're in America -___-

endurancefan212 21

Uhh..Who cares whether or not the OP uses the word "cashier?" The OP is probably from a different part of the world that uses that word. Cut him some slack, It's just a word.

That's how you pick up chicks! Well done.