By likeyourboss - 04/10/2013 16:05 - Denmark

Today, I went to the gym. I tried out a new machine where you do one-arm weightlifting. I took my time to get into a good position, then set the machine to the lowest weight possible. I couldn't even lift it an inch. A bunch of buff guys nearby saw me and burst out laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 708
You deserved it 5 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isableha 9

It's things like this that discourage a lot of people from going to the gym and getting healthy. Don't worry about them OP, they're just trying to feel better about themselves. Keep trying and you'll get it soon!

well you've got to start somewhere OP why not try 10pound dumbbells at home?


You should go to Planet Fitness, they have a judgement free zone policy

Don't let it discourage you. Keep on going.

Going to the gym isn't about being put down cause you're weak. It's about having motivation to get from weak to strong. Forget about them, just start training. Everyone starts somewhere.

Keep going OP. And someday, if you can lift more than them; start laughing at their asses. Not everyone, just them. either way...You can do it!!

What is the lowest Knesset at, isnt it usually something like 10lb?

Hey, keep working hard, don't give up because of some jack ass

Wow **** them. No one goes to the gym already muscular.

Everyone starts out somewhere, you just build up from there. Don't let anyone stop you keep pushing.

greggly123 6

That's messed up. Don't worry though, you can always get bigger and stronger but you can't fix stupid or ego problems

Don't sweat it. You did your best, no one has the right to judge you for that.