By Iarla_ceapaire93 - 16/06/2015 17:27 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I went to the gym to try to get into shape. While I was running on the treadmill, my beer belly pushed against the emergency stop button, twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 497
You deserved it 5 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I went to the gym. I heard the sound of clapping and got so excited. Turns out it was just my thighs.

Shadowinthesun 15

At least your trying and that's what counts. Don't listen to all the negativity.


maddigraphs 9

Hey, at least you are trying. At least you are putting yourself out there and trying to make a difference in your life. That's all that matters.

Keep it up and you will no longer have that problem :)