By Iarla_ceapaire93 - 16/06/2015 17:27 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I went to the gym to try to get into shape. While I was running on the treadmill, my beer belly pushed against the emergency stop button, twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 497
You deserved it 5 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I went to the gym. I heard the sound of clapping and got so excited. Turns out it was just my thighs.

Shadowinthesun 15

At least your trying and that's what counts. Don't listen to all the negativity.


I work in a gym and I gotta say I'm glad for you that you wanna get into shape but that's a poorly engineered treadmill!

Then go running around a park or something.

chelene 10

little bit of encouragement can go along way! You can do it!!!


why are you running so far forward?

sandman19 11

At least you are making an effort and pushing yourself! Good for you and don't let anyone bring you down because you rock:)

At least you're making an effort! That's more than many people can say!

Oh_bother44 11

That's happened to me- I don't have a beer belly but I've had it happen where I get a moment of my feet moving faster than the belt for a second and I run into the stop button.

FlamingJazkinz 15

At least your trying. Keep working out and there will be no problem :D

Your fat has evolved to the point of self preservation. Make it suffer. good luck OP. "**** motivation what you lack is determination." my workout quote.