By Anonymous - 12/10/2015 02:02 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital for a scan. The tech went wide-eyed and stared at his screen in horror before realizing I could see him. He wouldn't tell me what he saw, apparently only my doctor is allowed to do that. So now I have to wait for god knows how long to get my results back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 058
You deserved it 1 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The tech can't legally tell you. But in all honesty he could be wrong. In the hospital I have had techs say someone had cancer/stroke/ etc. which they didn't. Or that someone is completely normal and fine, but were full of cancer.

You'll get to know soon OP. You'd rather hear it from a professional anyways. The tech could just see something normal that he thinks is off.


he could have been really watching Netflix on the job and didn't want to tell you he was really watching pretty little liars

Trust me, it's way worse when they call their supervisor in to get a second opinion. I had a lump in my breast they did an ultrasound on. The tech had no idea, so she called her supervisor. Who called in the doctor on call. There were probably 5 people in the room looking at my scans. They doctor finally said- "I don't know what that is, but you should find a surgeon soon. Uh, just to be safe." (It was benign). I know what you mean about them being closed mouthed about the results (I had a frickin' DVT and they didn't even tell me!) so that really freaked me out when they called specialists in while I was still in the room. Like everyone said above, if it's really bad- you find out within a few hours.

That is my worst nightmare... I'm a hypochondriac and one of my worst fears is getting a terrible disease. Best wishes, OP.

TAntobella 14

Whoever hit the 'you deserve it' button deserves to go through a similar situation.

rchjr2106 7

We so need you to tell us what happened!

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

That may be the most legit FYL I've ever seen on this site. Good luck, OP.

goodness.. I hope everything is okay OP.