By Anonymous - 12/10/2015 02:02 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital for a scan. The tech went wide-eyed and stared at his screen in horror before realizing I could see him. He wouldn't tell me what he saw, apparently only my doctor is allowed to do that. So now I have to wait for god knows how long to get my results back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 058
You deserved it 1 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The tech can't legally tell you. But in all honesty he could be wrong. In the hospital I have had techs say someone had cancer/stroke/ etc. which they didn't. Or that someone is completely normal and fine, but were full of cancer.

You'll get to know soon OP. You'd rather hear it from a professional anyways. The tech could just see something normal that he thinks is off.


Well your going to die a tragic death. When is the funeral I make sure I have off make sure the food is good or I will dig up your grave and piss al over you

_awwhellnaw_ 45

I can't help but feel I've read something similar here...?

Trust me, I know from experience - if it's bad news, the doctor will call you immediately, like the same day or the next day. If you don't hear from your doctor right away, then don't worry about it.

Twisted_Angel 17

I wouldn't worry based on his reaction. He's not a doctor. try not to stress too much (I know it's hard) you could be worrying over nothing. he's probably new and has no clue what he's looking at.

victoriapering 3

Everyone has to wait also so your not alone

i been there, i was lucky n just had testicular cancer

I hope the results aren't as bad as you think, hopefully whatever it is you can turn around and fix real simply.