By Anonymous - 12/10/2015 02:02 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital for a scan. The tech went wide-eyed and stared at his screen in horror before realizing I could see him. He wouldn't tell me what he saw, apparently only my doctor is allowed to do that. So now I have to wait for god knows how long to get my results back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 058
You deserved it 1 689

Same thing different taste

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The tech can't legally tell you. But in all honesty he could be wrong. In the hospital I have had techs say someone had cancer/stroke/ etc. which they didn't. Or that someone is completely normal and fine, but were full of cancer.

You'll get to know soon OP. You'd rather hear it from a professional anyways. The tech could just see something normal that he thinks is off.