By Ca ira merci - 30/07/2009 09:13 - Morocco

Today, while on holiday in Morocco, I got arrested by a cop. “Sir, you were driving at 90 instead of 70?” I was sure that I hadn’t offended, so I asked, “Where’s the speed camera?” He pointed at his eye and said, “It’s right here.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 650
You deserved it 92

Top comments


CheekyRaccoon 27

He just wants baksheesh, OP. Pay the man and be on your way.

Talking back to a cop while on vacation? How did you possibly not deserve it? Give us YDI back.

who vacations in morocco? textbook YDI

<p>Wow back talking a cop in know some places fine you heavy for speeding and hold you till you pay....but yeah its morocco he wanted money</p>