By Anonymous - 14/02/2013 21:50 - Saudi Arabia - Dammam

Today, I went to the market to buy some groceries. Before I got even half-way home, a guy stormed toward me, pulled what looked like a knife, and chased me around the block while screaming that he'd kill me for sleeping with his wife. Nope, still a 15-year-old virgin here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 709
You deserved it 2 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You say 15 year old virgin like its a bad thing...


shaww 28
nakiarain 9

I hope the fml isn't about you being a 15 year old virgin. There's nothing wrong with that.

I guess it's more about a guy chasing him with a knife, but who knows.

nakiarain 9

Hah well I know that..I guess I just meant that he shouldn't be upset about being 15 and a virgin

You almost lost your virginity op. That wasn't his knife!

Just a guess, but I think a fifteen year old would know a knife from a dick.

Man, I wish cool stuff like that happened to me!

BunchieRules 31

You wish you would get chased by a crazy man with a knife? That could be arranged...

At least that would make for an interesting day!

That's crazy. Hey if you see that person again chase him around the block with a knife. Paybacks a bitch lol

wahh wahh 15-year-old virgin my life sucksss. seriously? I agree, YLS for the man chasing you around, but don' t be in such a hurry to grow up !

Megan98 18

He's just stating he's a fifteen year old virgin, meaning he did not sleep with that guys wife...

I don't think he's complaining about being a 15-year-old virgin. I believe he just stated that fact to say.. I'm to young and inexperienced to sleep with a married woman. Op, good luck, that is some scary mistaken identity.

LadyEmi 15

Can't any of you tell that he isn't complaining about being a virgin? Sheesh