By Langdon - 15/05/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I went to the midnight premiere of Angels and Demons. A hobo wandered into the theater and sat down behind me. I paid $10 to spend two and a half hours listening to a crazy man talk to himself and kick my chair while he loudly masturbated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 782
You deserved it 9 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get him kicked out? Idiot...

WickedAwsum 0

Well #1, we don't like you. You could have gotten a person who worked there to get him removed or something, or move seats?


****** move or get someone who works there, it's not a complicated concept...YDI

You should've pulled quicky and skeeted on him on the way out.

@#8 - That is not a nice thing to say. "They don't like clean"? Do you honestly think that all homeless people WANT to be the way they are? That's horrible and stereotypical. And at the OP, uhm...yeah you should definitely have moved and/or told someone about him and gotten him kicked out. I'm pretty sure masturbating in a movie theater is not allowed.

MikeTheInfidel 0

Bullshit. And #186, lighten up. You sound like you're pro-hobo.

Erinx3 0

I really hate when people say YDI at ANYTHING. Jesus. "YDI for seeing such a bad movie." Shut the **** up, please. I could understand If he gave the hobo **** to ********** to, it would be his fault. But he just wanted to see a ******* movie. But that's really nasty. Should've gotten him kicked out.

tab_ga1990 0

you could of got someone kick him out...

If it's the premiere of the movie I'm thinking it was pretty packed... bad luck buddy, fyl.

# 38 agreed. and if he was a homeless guy, how could he afford to get into a movie?

GROSS, yeah, I agree with can a homeless guy afford a ticket?? $10 just to jack off, like he can't do it behind the movie theater??