By Mika_Ookami - 21/02/2010 17:54 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my friends. A pretty redhead came on the screen. One of my guy friends leaned over to me and said, "Have you noticed there aren't any pretty redheads in real life?" I guess he forgot what color my hair is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 091
You deserved it 3 268

Same thing different taste


uhh if their in movies that means they exist in real life, so your friend probably forgot because he's a dipshit

L4i2B0 0

he was most likely being sarcastic

xmann96 0
birds_fml 7

@OP... I feel for you. I was on the other side one time... one time I made a comment to my husband "people with freckles sure are ugly!" and then suddenly realized my husband has freckles too. I totally didn't think about it. And no, my husband's not ugly. Foot in mouth disease... *shame*

Phresh2010 0
Billiebeachbabe 0

one of my best girl friends has red hair she is gorgious.