By flattened - 10/02/2011 10:58
Same thing different taste
By anonymous - 21/05/2010 17:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/11/2021 11:00
Road rage
By notapetkiller - 26/07/2016 06:12 - United States - New Hyde Park
By broken - 02/09/2009 09:45 - Australia
By poop - 28/02/2012 07:10 - United States
This is going to be my fault, isn't it?
By jpaylay - 07/06/2022 04:00
By ishouldhidethekeys - 04/11/2009 08:44 - United Kingdom
Licence to drive
By Anonymous - 10/09/2009 06:19 - Australia
By Anonymous - 10/10/2009 17:53 - United Kingdom
By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States
Top comments
Omg that's horrible.
I agree! Poor cat and what car is that quiet?
I said the exact same thing #1! That has got to be traumatizing!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayThis FML is so sad but I can't help but laugh that commenter #1 has a cat picture and at the "What is this... I don't even..." face your cat has in the picture... lmao
that's what you get for going green...
Exactly my reaction
apparently a bunch of blind people sued against hybrids and electric cars because they couldn't hear them coming.
@130: Q_Q
Female driver jokes? anyone? no?
#130, Do you not know the definition of blind, or are you just being a ******* troll? I'm going to go with the latter because, frankly, every time I see you post it's something completely beyond the level of mental retardation. I'll define blind for you, since obviously you're too stupid to look it up yourself, let alone argue about it. Blind - adjective 1. unable to see 2. uncontrolled 3. not based on reason or judgment 4. hidden 5. having no outlets. Does that in any way sound like someone not being able to hear? I didn't think so. Do yourself and the FML community a favor, and don't post unless you have something to say that makes sense or has a logical explanation. Idiot.
geez, 143 is the real idiot here becuz if u can't c something coming cuz ur blind and can't hear it cuz it's ninja like, how the hell are u supposed to know it's coming towards u? That was what 130 was referring to. i am I the only one with common sense here?
#149, Where in #130's comment did you see him refer to FML, and compare it to that at all? Please, enlighten me. He clearly stated in his comment that blind people cannot hear, while pointing to the above comment. Therefore, the way I understood his comment is that he said blind people cannot hear. By definition, blindness is defined as the inability to see. Unless otherwise stated that that the person in question is, in fact, deaf too. Your argument is invalid. Ready to accept defeat?
derrrr..... u should all STFU.
Zmeilerr, you honestly believe he doesn't know blind people can generally hear? Come on, when you attack someone like that it just seems like you're looking for an easy way to feel superior.
lmfao Zmeiler, rickolette is completely right. i was referring to the comment above me, hence the arrow. you idiot. **** off and stop trying to sound smart, you only come off looking like a jagoff ;D haha but youre right about me trying to be a troll :) im glad you read my comments though, thanx bro, i do it for you people :D but maybe try taking some anger management classes? perhaps some midol? you people that try always try to sound smart always seem like youre on your rag all the time..lighten up dude, its the internet. welcome to the matrix, blue or red? haha but seriously, this rant is going on for quite awhile now, guess i should probably say my point... ...ah **** it -_-
#159 No. Zmeilerr was saying that you are incorrect- Blind people CAN see. You said otherwise. and SiobahnR was saying that because THE CARS were so quiet that because they rely on hearing they would have no clue that the cars are coming - not because they can't hear at all!
Don't we all!
Wow zmeiler you sounds like a stuck up bitch. God have mercy on the poor soul that dates you.
Wow Seanders, you kind of sound like a douche. Was that really necessary to say? Did you run out of so many things to say that you just had to resort to an insult? How low.
#1 Your cat is very beautiful, I want it!
he meant they can't HEAR the cars coming because the cars are so QUIET.
blind people cannot hear the CAR but they can hear the car is silent so they dont hear it. the end. but wh- ITS THE END HSSJSNJSNSJSOSIEHWOWK *eats your head*
no there is a buzzing sound like a bee
Raiden Wins FATALITY flawless victory
your picture is soo cute!
my question is did they stop when they heard the first sound or power through?
This happened to me with my friend's cat. It is horrible and it the sound is also horrible.
Would you rather: Kill a cat and hear it, but save thousands of more animals; OR Kill a cat and not hear it but kill thousands of animals because of pollution? 1 animal or 6501?
What you said ^
poor mister fluffey it was so quiet he couldnt hear it either!
I bet that sound will haunt you forever : FYL :(
Tell me about it. I once accidentally ran over a baby mockingbird with my car. I even heard the air in its lungs pop. It still haunts me. To this day, I'm unable to eat chicken wings without thinking about the poor birdie. I bet the op will no longer be able to eat.... Well you can fill in the blank.(:
or you can over come that sound by gorging on chicken and OP can gorge on chinese food and you both will be able to overcome by consuming the power that is within the food that you are eating...NOM!
Hanibal: "Can you hear them Clarisse?" Clarisse: "yes" Hanibal: "What are they doing Clarisse? Clarisse: " Screaming. They're all just screaming.
So apt.....
triple what #1said!!!
I thought it said "Today my mother got the electric chair. It was so quiet-" O_o
27 blow it out your ass, cats are soulless creatures it's not like op ran over a kid or anything.
yeah, because all humans have souls -.-
That is not "awesome". Something is wrong with you.
muffpuncher, I won't comment on the 'soul' thing, but at least a cat has a heart, warm blooded, and a beating heart. You sir, have a piece of rock instead. I can't wait for the day they make an all-electric semis to run over the likes of you and think how awesome that is... but I'll just end up reducing myself to your level, so I won't do that.
soul = mind, will, emotions. Therefore, cats have souls.
That's not the definition of a soul.
Those who have a soul would have more respect then that over living things, so yeah your the one who's soulless
heeeeey.. he make'uh fun'of'ah caaah.. we not gaaay.. HE gaaay!
If you're going to correct someone, please do it with correct grammar. Love, Your favourite Grammar Nazi
Goza, do yourself a favour (oops, there it is again!) and look up "British English versus American English spelling". It'll be an eye-opener for you. Hotness, grammar is important even here. When incorrect grammar is used repeatedly, it becomes a habit. The chance of you using the incorrect "you're" like you did (hopefully sarcastically) on an essay or in a work-related report or on a job application will go up. I'm just trying to help.
Double question marks are generally used to drive the point home a bit harder. It's not an error, just adding emphasis.
It works both ways -who gives a **** what you would like? I appreciate the people on this site who care enough to correct grammar. Learn from your mistakes, thank them, get on with your life. It only turns into an issue when people like you retaliate with "I have a right to be an idiot" or some other similarly ridiculous reasoning.
there are multiple spellings of the word favourite F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E is one way and F-A-V-O-U-R-I-T-E is another, it can depend on where you live in the world
Canadian spelling dumb ****.
Favourite is a world. I spell favorite as favourite, color as colour, tire as tyre, so on.
Oh my god.
well... on the plus side at least the cat learnt it's lesson... it won't be hiding behind the car wheel any time soon.

Omg that's horrible.
I bet that sound will haunt you forever : FYL :(