By Anonymous - 21/05/2012 11:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the orthodontist's to get my braces tightened, and I chose baby blue bands. Turns out they make my teeth look extremely yellow. Only a month and a half to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 727
You deserved it 4 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... That I would not recommend putting in your mouth.


reddudeover 2

This FML reminded me of the show Brace face, yeah I know I'm old. Shut up you young whipper snapper!

FilleNoir 21

Maybe it's not the bands, maybe your teeth are yellow..

When I used to have braces they would only put one band on and then they showed me how it looked to see if I would like it or not. I guess your orthodontist practice doesn't do that. FYL though; but hey, look on the bright side, at least it's only a month ;)

yourmurderscenex 13

braces made my teeth look really yellow also, but when i got them off they were white again. do not use any whitening stuff because you will have squares on your teeth. but im pretty sure you will live.

tony1891 22

only a month and a half to go. you can do it!

Moniquenesha 1

break a bracket then they would change your bans

Imagine how white they'll look once you change them though

Thanks for helping me now i no not to get baby blue ones tomorrow (Y)

jackeechan 10

If you get yellow ones would they make your teeth look white?

Either that, or it'll make op look like he/she's been brushing with butter. (using FML mobile, can't see Op's gender.)

I had braces for 4 years and my orthodontist said that if you don't get colored bands, your teeth will straighten out faster. So for 4 years my braces were boring. But now (I got my braces off 7 years ago) I constantly get compliments on my smile. Braces suck while they're on but they're definitely worth the pain!

YdoIhaveAchode 4

Um, I don't get how your teeth will straighten out faster if you don't have colored bands.

Ha ha ha!! Um, ya, the color of bands doesn't affect the process whatsoever. FYL for having a dumb orthodontist who made you have ugly braces for 4 years.

I was 8 or 9 when I first got my braces, so I just went along with whatever he said. He also said that food would get caught underneath the bands and eventually create the ugly spots you get on your teeth when your braces come off. Regardless my teeth are beautiful and perfect now, so whatever he said and did was worth it to me.

nichole818 5