By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 588
You deserved it 8 474

Same thing different taste


Why didn't you just say something!? -.-"

champjb 0

That would really *hehe* PISS me off!

slients_1234 0

Umm why didn't you say something?

That's definitely one thing that does not taste like chicken

You know it's okay to say something to someone putting pee gloves in your mouth to get them to stop. Why would anyone let that go on?

The fact that you said nothing and let those hands stay in your mouth for an hour might make you the most spineless human being in existence.

why didn't you tell her to change her gloves? or why didn't you leave? or why didn't report her? instead of doing things that could've helped, you decided to post it on FML? epic fail.