By Gee... Thanks - 03/09/2014 01:35

Today, while my orthodontist was working on my teeth, she made the comment, "Wow! It looks like a murder scene in there!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 777
You deserved it 5 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It just seems as if every time I hear the word dentist, blood is not far behind

"Yeah, the dismembered finger really adds to the atmosphere." *CHOMP*


It just seems as if every time I hear the word dentist, blood is not far behind

JMichael 25

Or them poking around with that sharp hook looking object making your gums bleed and telling you you should brush your teeth more often.

I don't think the dentist meant blood. I think the dentist was getting at how bad OP's oral hygiene is...

Okay. Now let's be relevant here. What about the orthodontist..?

Don't forget the part where they nag your ass to floss.

orbit 22

Op probably doesn't floss regularly like most people, so when the dentist flossed their teeth they started to bleed

schhichick 14

Umm maybe his roommate stole it?!

Kyle1dc 17

I'm gonna butcher this pun... oh wait.

That's unnerving. Hope it wasn't major or painful.

"Yeah, the dismembered finger really adds to the atmosphere." *CHOMP*

Was there yellow police tape and evidence markers too? "That poor tooth went out in a bad way. Just look at that chalk outline."

call up criminal minds:) but seriously your teeth are very important! take care of them!!

It's the 21st century people...If you can afford a orthodontist I'm pretty sure you can afford a toothbrush and some toothpaste. i'm also pretty sure you can spare 2x 3minutes every day to brush your teeth.

You brush for 3 minutes!! I only brush for 2 minutes 56 seconds...

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I brush twice a day but I'm bad about flossing :( I try to, I just forget. I probably only floss once a week. The dentist never forgets to remind me, and promptly makes me bleed. *sigh*

schhichick 14

Well peoples roommates might steal their oral hygiene products

Not a good thing to hear when you're lying down and you can't do anything :/