By Anonymous - 27/02/2010 03:01 - United States

Today, I went to the park with my friend and we decided to swing. While we were swinging, we decided to jump off backwards. All would have worked out fine if my pants hadn't gotten caught on the metal of the swing, leaving my bare butt exposed. The man who was in the park with his daughter left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 228
You deserved it 23 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

garuru 4

today i was in the park with my daughter and some kid on the swing jumped off with his pants off. FML

"I went to the park and we decided to swing"... for some reason that wasn't the "swinging" I was thinking of...


perdix 29

It coulda been worse. He could have told his daughter to walk home by herself while he stayed and helped "your new mommy" to "fix her pants."

Accidents happen. That wasn't deliberate on your part. You have nothing to be embarrassed about.

zomgkatie 0
Anthrophobia 2

That's exactly what I thought after reading this, Thatguywhotrolls.

I don't find this to be, in anyway whatsoever, an FML or YDI. it's a win(:


lmao funny :) " the man and his daughter left " what did you want him to do sit there and look at your ass ? id say FTL because you made them leave :( lol

What does the man and his daughter have to do with this, of course they are going to leave why would they stay to see that? You could have just stopped at leaving your arse exposed.