By Toolate - 10/10/2012 08:26 - United States - Bristol

Today, I went to the surprise birthday party of an ex I still love, though I'm the one who ended things. I walked in in time to see her screaming "Yes" to her kneeling boyfriend, her parents crying and applauding, and her brothers patting him on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 204
You deserved it 52 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that, but if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

CrassKal 27

You knew you would be asking for pain when you decided to go.


All these comments blaming op for breaking up with his ex as being ydi really show just how immature fmlers are. There are other reasons ontop of love that hold a relationship together. Love is not sufficient enough. Ah the naive.

StephenStills 6

You ended it and you want us to feel sorry for you? Uh yeah, not happening. Live and learn I guess.

The_F3rris 11

You remind me of almost all my exs OP.

I'll be honest, when I first read this post I thought it was about him walking in on her boyfriend 'giving her pleasure' took me a few re-reads to work out what it really meant

TallMist 32

Maybe he thought he wasn't good enough for her, so, even though he loved her, he broke up with her. We don't know what happened.

The exact thing was going through my mind! i thought it was weird that the family was crying teers of joy while their daughter was getting licked out o.O

droptableusers 7

She's your ex get over it...