By Toolate - 10/10/2012 08:26 - United States - Bristol

Today, I went to the surprise birthday party of an ex I still love, though I'm the one who ended things. I walked in in time to see her screaming "Yes" to her kneeling boyfriend, her parents crying and applauding, and her brothers patting him on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 204
You deserved it 52 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that, but if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

CrassKal 27

You knew you would be asking for pain when you decided to go.


"screaming yes to her kneeling boyfriend" brought to mind a very different image

Why the hell would you go to your ex's birthday..... That's asking for some kind of disappointment..

time to turn around and leave like nothing happened...

Boy did I misread that one!!! I thought for sure her parents and brothers were cheering him on for giving awesome head!!!

That's it!!! That's why he initially broke up with her, he just didn't like giving head infront of her family. I think the brothers would creep me out too!!

RealReality 12

They may have tried to still be friends after they broke up. I think the big part of the FML is that her parents were happy at who was proposing.

Kade20 4

That oddly sounded sexual until I read it again. Haha FML.

reminds me of Scribe when J.D took a cold shower after her ex proposal and said "it should've been me"

It's your fault. You can't expect to get sympathy because she moved on.

You shouldn't have let her go in the first place.