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By Anonymous - 17/11/2009 02:40 - United States

Today, I had a surprise birthday party thrown in my honor. All of my friends and family had been invited, and all of the details were perfect. Who threw the party for me? My ex-girlfriend who I dumped last week for "not being thoughtful enough." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 056
You deserved it 58 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well.. for how long did she plan the party? she may have done it to make you change your mind... or you just made one hell of a mistake


did she do it to prove you wrong or was it already planned?

Personally I think you should have shown up to the party with a 16 year old girlfriend to top it off, but that's just me.

spiderman0606 0

Why would you break up with someone a week before your birthday? Always break up the day after your birthday so you can get a present out of them / see how thoughtful they are / have time to reconsider, especially when it's coming it. Seriously, you deserved this one.

i agree with #47, you should have waited a week until your birthday to see if they planned anything big for it

Reyo 2

Continuation of 47: That's ignoring the fact that he's a GUY. What kind of a GUY breaks up with a GIRL for not being thoughtful. It's supposed to be the other way around. Are you sure you didn't leave your testicles somewhere, OP?

God I know, I can't stand it how there are these guys that aren't all macho and shit. Their parents probably let them cry when they were kids too. If they care about emotional connections so much they should go have a sex change, otherwise they can quit their whining and go get some girls drunk so they don't have to bother about consent.

I know people, maybe he doesnt want her back. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN

#63 I'm guessing that you are either a felon or maybe an avid Rush Limbaugh listener. Men are not all the same, dummy. I know this because I am a guy, and I definately do not fit into your sexist category.

I'm not sure, but he might have been being sarcastic. It doesn't translate well over the Internet.

1. I'm pretty sure that comment was sarcastic. 2. I listen to Rush Limbaugh. What are you trying to say?

sevazilla 21

he's not an asshole, maybe she really wasn't thoughtful and that was the only thoughtful thing she ever did for him

well.. for how long did she plan the party? she may have done it to make you change your mind... or you just made one hell of a mistake

I think she kept going with it to change his mind, nobody can plan a "perfect" party and get EVERYONE to show up with a week's notice. Get her back OP! She was pretending to be thoughtless to surprise you, so it's not completely your fault. :D

Yeah, and? How is this an FML? "Oh noooo my ex threw me a perfect party, this is sooo terrible!" Eh? ._.

he meant it to show the irony his dumped her for not being thoughtful and she planned all that for his bday i guess you didnt read the part in quotation marks....

Oh right, because things in quotes always mean "irony" rather than an... Um... Oh yeah, a QUOTE. Silly, silly me.

Sun_Kissed18 25

Uhm... no. The quote was used to show the irony. She was just saying that the only way you could not understand this is if you hadn't read the quote which explained the irony of this FML. Maybe you should rethink your statement and reread the FML before using sarcasm. Just a thought.

@4, it's because he made a bad desicion, lost a great girl, and made himself look like an ass.

You sir, fail. Why would you dump someone for such an idiotic reason?! YDI on so many levels. I hope she realizes she's better off with someone more strongly committed to her.

It's not really an idiotic reason, the idiocy comes from whether it's true or not. A thoughtless person would say "get over it" to a death in the family Or, a "thoughtless" person would get the wrong XBox game Which is true, OP?

Hooray4Ponies 0

We get the guy's a jerk, but why did the ex go through with the party? That is the better question.

Perhaps... she still likes him, and he was being stupid about the supposed "thoughtlessness" OR... she still THINKS she likes him, when she's just a dumb broad OR... she didn't send out the cancel notice in time.

Hooray4Ponies 0

Oh wait. She probably just wanted to get rid of a pinata that was lying around. Disregard my question.

OR she didnt cancel it to say "hey ******** look what you miss out on." I know i would. I'm passive aggressive like that. The worst punishment he'll get is from himself, and now they both know what a douchenozzle he is. I voted YDI seeing as how she was planning that nice party all along, i have to wonder what you expected her to do, OP. Write your name in the sky every day for a month preceeding your birthday??

Either she planned it in hopes of getting back together with the OP or he dumped her after she had planned in which cause the OP is losing out on a great woman, unless she she forgives the OP. Not enough info to determine FYL or YDI.

if she didn't forgive him in some way or want him back she would have canceled that party.

@10 He's quoting himself so that we know why he dumped his ex so that we get the irony of the situation.

I get that part. >.< I don't get why this is an FML.

Because he broke up with his girlfriend. The reason being that he thought she was insensitive. However, she threw a party, which would seem to mean that she IS sensitive. So not only does OP not have a girlfriend, he also looks like a total dumbass.

Because he broke up with his girlfriend. The reason being that he thought she was insensitive. However, she threw a party, which would seem to mean that she IS sensitive. So not only does OP not have a girlfriend, he also looks like a total dumbass. On the other hand, he might be justified because she just threw the party to show him up. We don't really know.

Uh-oh. looks like you owe someone a bucketful of Twizzlers and a trash-basket of mamaroses.

Good job. Now go and get her back. If she'd even want to...