By UltraHoe69 - 06/01/2011 22:57 - United States
Same thing different taste
By highschoolsucks - 05/10/2012 02:44 - United States
You gotta learn
By duh - 27/01/2009 08:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/04/2017 02:00
By Will this stupid fad ever end? - 06/03/2013 11:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 05:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 23:06 - United States
Dirty dancing
By Anonymous - 25/03/2023 00:00
By Angie - 24/03/2011 19:07 - South Africa
Show off
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 09:00 - Algeria - Tipaza
Alexa, play "Rockit" by Herbie Hancock
By Anonymous - 19/08/2011 07:13 - United States
Top comments
^^ is not! I pressed Ydi cause the op really needs to get a sense if humor. sound amazing <3 ;D
^u sound like a *****
Just wait til biology and they make you learn her bone song... Foxtel is such a waste of money -.-
All about the credits in HS...
Thats awesome...just awesome
ME TOO!!! We were forced to learn it and our grade went down by ALOT if we didn't participate
you're teacher can't make you dance to this can he or she? I mean it's not considered PE. more like dance class....
how can that annoy you so much ? its a very common error and he probavly even intentionally wrote it that way. besides eveyone was able to know what he said. people like you are annoying.
me too wtf
r u at grassfield because that would be two step tuesday its so gay.
Thankfully, my highschool P.E. grade didn't count on my overall GPA so it was either a pass or fail.
people who want to pass
must be tortureous
That was a pretty cutting opinion from Naruto-character-as-avatar guy. I'm scandalized.
A.) naruto guy is epic don't mess B.) Giant loser
FYL then. Anybody that knows Miley Cyrus by heart is a little off.
omg OP I just love your name...
I hate Miley Cyrus. Some little girls down the street mistaked me for her a couple times -____-
KaySL, you ******* pussy!! Don't make me do this by myself, you yellow-bellied coward! *sigh* Fine... Goddammit, mistaked? Really? Are you 4? Does your mommy still wipe your tushy after you go potty? Because you sound like a toddler for ****'s sake.
at first i thought doc bastard was a mad douche bag. thats a funny ****** response.
so what's the point in pointing out someone's grammar and/or spelling mistake when the moderators generally fix them?
58 - Because moderators don't correct the grammar, most of the time. If they did, they wouldn't have time for anything else... seeing as how there are that many on this site who can't spell/comprehend/construct sentences.
I suppose, I do see your point. I guess I'm just getting sick of seeing the corrections just as much as the mistakes. not trying to start any arguments, just stating my opinion...
Are you kidding, bro? Why would we correct posters' grammar, when we can leave them looking like illiterate idiots instead? You guys are responsible for your own sentence structure and spelling. I just sit back, party, and/or swear profusely for no reason whatsoever.
NOO!! You look like Hayley Williams in your pic (If that is you) pretty!! haha :P
#4 last time i checked miley cirus is hot
111 - And when exactly was the last time you checked? IMO, she isn't attractive at all.
I like how there's an entire thread of comments by and about Grammar Nazis, as well as an insult or two leveled at the original comment, but nobody bothered to help the poor girl out and actually CORRECT her. I think the word you were looking for is "mistook", by the way. Or "mistakeralized". They're both acceptable.
Mistakeralized? Never heard that one before. Har har har.
Maybe she just hit the d accidentally right as she posted? These touch screens are very annoying for that!
^ Even without the d it would be incorrect.
who cares what they spell like? why do you care? this isn't a ******* essay, test, or any school/work assignment you ******* understood what they say so why correct people if someone puts ya, u, r, y, etc they know how to spell the real word so why correct them as if they didn't or as if you didn't understand
184, if they know how to spell the whole word, why don't they? Also, everyone gives the whole 'this isn't an essay' speech. A lot of my friends found that at least once they have written/typed 'u' instead of you on assignments. Typing like that becomes a habit. It's better to stop now.
what are you talking about doc he downtown have a mommy he has 2 daddy's who do much more than that with his ass
don't have* dumb auto correct
16- epic win is epic :D
last time I checked you were a douche bag
so your hot?
Vergaso, this isn't the first time you've shown yourself to be an idiot. Whether or not something is comprehensible does not make it correct. I cuold tpye a wohle sentnece leik tihs and yuo wuold undresnad it. Does that make it right? Typing lyk dis on a public forum shows one of two things- 1) that you're too lazy to type out the full word or 2) you're too stupid to know the correct spelling. There is no excuse not to type out "you" rather than "u" or any of the other ridiculous txt abbreviations here, not to mention that using such abbreviations is prohibited in the rules.
#111, what the ****? #4 is very pretty! I don't see you being brave enough to post your own picture. Jesus, most people were dropped as a baby but you were clearly thrown at a ******* wall.
#111, what the ****? #4 is really pretty! I don't see you being brave enough to post your own picture. Jesus, most people were dropped as a baby but you were clearly thrown at a ******* wall.
DocBastard I ******* love you:D
It was a typo. There's no need to freak out. I won't do it again because I know I'll get screamed at if I continue to make common mistakes. -,-
DocBastard, there's a difference between making one spelling/grammar error in an entire post and having an entire post consisting of errors. Sometimes, you make mistakes that you can't see until you've made the post. Everyone does it. Even the so-called grammar nazis. Grammar nazis may think they're doing the forum a favor but really, they've turned all of FML into a grammar forum.
"Sometimes, you make mistakes that you can't see until you've made the post." Edit button. It's there for a full two minutes after you initially post. If that doesn't work, go back and fix it in another post as soon as you see it. I don't see why you're defending this, though. There's a clear difference between "mistook" and "mistaked". It's a clear case of the person not knowing the past tense of "mistake".
Really? You stare at your post for a full 2 minutes to make sure there aren't errors? Reasonable people have enough of a life to post and then move on with life. Yes, "mistaked" is a pretty glaring error but we don't need 10+ posts in order to discuss that. And much less egregious errors are torn apart on a daily basis. It's seriously a disease.
283 - You're way off. You misinterpreted what I said. Please go back and read it again.
10/16 - U MAD?
how because your too fat
That sucks
Are you a fat chick?
I don't know what to say to this arsehole or the OP. so I'll just stay quiet :D
#52 i do have something to say to that A**hole: Are you a 40-year-old still living in your parents' basement? 'cause you sound like one
that will work as well. lmao
ya #6 prob is a 40 year old he's probably looking for a hookup as well
I protest. This question is perfectly valid, as fat chicks are everywhere and the OP obviously doesn't enjoy PE. In fact, I feel uncomfortable casting my vote without knowing the answer. ...Because fatties ALWAYS Deserve It.
I am guessing your severely obese and were offended. too bad, go jump on a treadmill fatty.
Grow the **** up.
very angrey people there...
first of your 250+ statement is wrong because height is a huge factor if you're 4feet and 250 or 5 feet or 5.5 feet you're a fat ass if you're 6/6.5+ that's fine and what are you talking about why do you lie to her if she even said the truth? she's ******* fat her face is huge and so is the rest of the picture
I'm not making fun I'm stating facts and correcting lies why bother saying she's bot fat when we all know she is and she even said it how does that show I'm insecure that's just elementary counselor talk I'm 6 feet 145 lbs it's not about weight and I'm not insecure about looks you're obviously so ugly you had to dye you're hair so you can say or think that people call you ugly because they don't like you're hair or you're style idk why you have that hair style and hair color it's ugly
It's an easy grade. Little kids across the country can do it. (: In my opinion, it's easier and a lot more fun than pushups, crunches, jumping jacks, and all that boring stuff I had to do everyday in gym. I'd rather dance.
**** alert
54 - Not everyone who likes to dance is a ****. Do you really have nothing better to do than troll around looking for females so you can yell "****!"...?
54 - I think you should go **** yourself. I'm a **** because I like to dance? There are millions of people in this world who like to dance. Are they all *****? **** you! And thanks 5t3ff1k4h :)
yes, that's exactly y and all white chicks r *****
Excuse me? I agree. Go **** yourself. I'm white and I'm far from a ****, thank you very much. I'm sure there will be many white girls on your ass about that one! Good god...
u believe in god, I thought u were all godless...
and what r they gonna do? join a feminist group? lolololololololol
You idiot. Saying a phrase doesn't mean I believe in a god. I am agnostic. Look it up. Watch it, kid.
so you do believe in God? and when yo say a phrase involving god, you should believe in God because you r calling out to him (rough way to put it) and watch out for what? the feminists? will they get me? (more like get me a sandwich)
You're capitalizing "God", therefore you must believe in "God". I'm pretty sure I told you to look it up. Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't do? Ha! "Calling out to him..."? No. Sorry. Make you a sandwich? As if you deserve one.
I'm pretty sure I don't need to, agnosticism is the skeptical view about the "organized religion" and the truth in the deities, however, if I'm correct, which I believe I am, agnostics still believe in a "higher power" I'm pretty sure I deserve a sandwich, why don't you go make me one? your technique must be perfected by now Ohh, and btw, I never told you what the you should or shouldn't do, I was explaining the way phrases involving GOD work, ohhh look, I capitalized all the letters in GOD, I must believe in him now go make me that sandwich
I'm pretty sure I don't need to, agnosticism is the skeptical view about the "organized religion" and the truth in the deities, however, if I'm correct, which I believe I am, agnostics still believe in a "higher power" I'm pretty sure I deserve a sandwich, why don't you go make me one? your technique must be perfected by now Ohh, and btw, I never told you what the you should or shouldn't do, I was explaining the way phrases involving GOD work, ohhh look, I capitalized all the letters in GOD, I must believe in him
I appreciate the mods for deleting the troll's comments.
Uhmm hi, Imma dancer and sure as hell not a ****. Get youur faat white ass outta here because no one wants a bitchy ***** here. Likee Forreal. Just **** Off.
Jordan chick - If you're talking to me, I told the troll (whose comments have now been deleted) the same thing you're telling me. Calm the **** down.
#101, your logic is flawed. I capitalize "Mickey Mouse" as readily as "Jesus Christ", but that doesn't mean I believe in either of them.
Hatey- Those are both names though. They SHOULD be capitalized. If one believes in a god, they'd capitalize the name (e.g. Ganesha, Buddha), whereas the Christian/Jewish god should be capitalized if they believe in him/her/it because of the great importance it holds. Saying God (with capitalization) means you do believe in the Christian/Jewish god and you do respect him as a higher power, the ruler of your world. Saying god (without capitalization) simply means you're referring to what you don't believe in. I've been taught this way back when. I see where you're coming from, and I probably shouldn't have made the assumption that he believes in "God" because he capitalized the name, but that's just how it comes across to me.
It's true that the Christian/Jewish/MUSLIM god noun is usually capitalized by his worshippers, but many devotees of "spiritual but not religious" paths, as well as Buddhists and Hindus, also capitalize the god noun. Many believers do not, and many non-believers do. It's a shaky assumption to make, is all.
I didn't include Muslim because, despite worshiping the same god as the aforementioned, they refer to him as Allah. I don't know if they -only- call their god Allah, though, or if there are other names too. Good point. Other guy - Yeah, I do it all the time. It's kind of my thing.
"Allah" is the Arabic word meaning god, it isn't a name (though capitalized in many instances). Arabic-speaking Jews, Christians and Bahai also use the word in reference to their god. Full disclosure: I know I seem pretty brilliant right now, but this was not previous knowledge, even if it fits my argument perfectly. I thought it was the case, but I did have to look it up.
wow, i was seriously astonished by the conversation in this thread.. i would have liked to see the comments left by the "troll" since it wouls have been a pleasure to bitch on him too. very good points to the two ones who made a theological discussion before me
Makes sense. Thanks for the info - if you hadn't looked it up, I would have.
168: we use both God and Allah, Allah is just the Arabic word meaning god
at least pushups are an actual workout
that's so true. I love that dance.
if only my gym teacher let us dance it would be way easier !!!!!
my gym teacher freshman year made us learn how to slutty cowgirl dance and it counted for a grade. Im a guy if i needed to learn how to dance it wouldnt be that
Hahahahahaha that's so funny! Such a loser school.
u gota be shitin me lol i would never do that sheot

That's terrible. Just terrible...
KaySL, you ******* pussy!! Don't make me do this by myself, you yellow-bellied coward! *sigh* Fine... Goddammit, mistaked? Really? Are you 4? Does your mommy still wipe your tushy after you go potty? Because you sound like a toddler for ****'s sake.