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By Victim - 27/06/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, at lifeguard class, I played a victim while my peers strapped me to the backboard in the water. When I was strapped down, I got wood in a wet swimsuit. My hands were strapped down so I could do nothing to hide it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 457
You deserved it 10 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha i hope the people tying you down were chicks in bikinis

seb12992 0

Ouch. Were you being strapped down by a group of hot girls?


you couldnt do nothing? you couldn't do anything....Please learn your grammar.

It clearly says he could do nothing. Maybe you should learn to read.

#74 he said he COULD do nothing. So before you become a grammar nazi maybe you should learn how to read.

#74 he said he COULD do nothing. So before you become a grammar nazi maybe you should learn how to read.

#74 1. your a dumb ass 2. I feel for ya broski I hate it when you get random wood, it'sTERRIBLE and it comes at the worst moments

Chaith 16

Seek some counseling for why being helpless turned you on so much. Haha

Try using the right freaking "you're" when calling someone a dumbass, dumbass.

lmao!! ;) if would've been funny if there were only guys there, haha. were there?? anywayyss I was seconddd :)

#3 fail. that's funny though us girls are so lucky we don't have to deal w this problem. one of the few good things about the female gender...

#3 fail. that's kinda funny though. us girls are so lucky we don't have to deal w this problem. it's one of the few good things about the female gender...

eastgirl16 0

I knowwww I was talking to some friends about how much it sucks to have to deal with our periods and all that girl stuff. But then I remembered that we don't get boners in inconvenient times. And that must be super embarrassing.

#3 fail. that's kinda funny though. us girls are so lucky we don't have to deal w this problem. it's one of the few good things about the female gender...

Are you guys kidding? No reason boners are the best. Every guy has a handful of embarassing boner stories and I for one take pride in telling these stories to everyone I meet.

dinjin201 0

it definetly is super embarassing lol :P u girls have it easy, except for the horrible cramps u complain about from time to time...

lmmmr 0

Plus embarrassing leakage moments. Though those tend to be less common than embarrassing erection moments.

#21 , I would rather get a boner then a period & shoving out an 8 Pound kidney stone out of my vag . Just saying . :] FYL OP . Really sucks to be you .

@ #30: LOLZ. I hope we don't meet. >>; Random boners are so annoying in my opinion.

monkeyofdragons 0

well u may dont have to do deal w/ that but you do have a bunch of worse things to deal with!

Guys can get irritable too.. except they don't have something to explain for it like girls do, thus more embarrassing for the guys. Who said insomnia happened only to girls? lol

anonymouskiller 0

yeah #20 having babies, periods, and not being able to piss standing up must be a blast.

haha girls have their own problems, like this lass

#30, I think every man on the planet has more than a handful. Taking desks with them in class... Gym Locker rooms (Worst time ever)... Meeting Parents... It goes on and on... Those are just mine though.

redsox4021 0

I know a period is worse but teens get random boners every day more than once

wow i feel bad for you... but i suggest you wink at the girls and play it cool cause most of them will respond positively to that haha. (im a girl)

girlie_201597 4

I think we can all see that you take pride in your boners, wienerwagon .

wow i feel bad for you. that issue isnt gonna go away by itself :P

That must have been a hard situation to deal with.

And that's why guys should never wear tight swimwear :P

PaulG10 0

it really wouldnt matter....

It does. o-o; If you use tight swim wear, it gets noticed easily.

yeahhh it does really show alot in tight swim wear :P im a competitive swimmer and i got a reallllly bad boner once in like the middle of a meet best part my swimsuit is REALLLY tight so yea

hahaha i hope the people tying you down were chicks in bikinis

seb12992 0

Ouch. Were you being strapped down by a group of hot girls?

dinjin201 0

lol thats what happened to me when i was taking lifeguarding courses... but it was a bunch of my friends, which made it a little less awkward than if it were complete stragners :) haha... 3 of them were hot :P

GrantEatAirplane 0

again the same thing happened to me lmao and then shortly after they dropped me while i was strapped to the backboard

I did actually vote FYL, but there's a little bit of YDI in here for being a horny guy. Sucks to be you!

lyndis_fml 0

You're a sexist asshole. Just because guys show when they're horny doesn't mean they're disgusting or wrong. Girls get horny too, y'all just think you're morally superior because it's harder to tell when you're turned on.

Um... don't you realise that guys can have boners for NO REASON AT ALL? That's why it happens at awkward times, you know.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Up until you reach a certain age there's no such thing as self control. They just happen.

well considering he's in lifeguarding lessons I honestly hope he isn't like 11....

caticaticati 3

My boyfriend is 17 and he still gets them for no apparent reason...

That really never goes away. One of my friends still gets random boners and he's 47