By Anonymous - 05/06/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I went to watch the Movie "UP." At one point in the movie I got really sad and started to cry a bit. The 7 year old girl next to me noticed and told me to shut and man up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 756
You deserved it 21 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Phlecks 0

Hey, **** all of you who won't admit to crying during a disney movie. Air Bud. Right here. If you didn't cry during Air Bud then your soul is a black pile of ash and evil.

What's it like to be put in place by a little girl?


bossopit 0

yeah that movie was horrendously sad several times throughout

Aww, there's nothing wrong with men showing emotion... Never listen to people who follow those ridiculous gender stereotypes

Eros_fml 0

#21, Disney OWNS pixar *shakes head* ignorant fool I saw it as well and my gf cried during most of it, its a sad movie I dont cry though, my eyes just sweat ;)

brunettegirl2 0

Don't worry about it. That was an incredibly sad movie. The little girl just probably didn't think so because she hasn't lived life enough yet.

larforever 0

That movie is sad. Nothing wrong with crying at a Disney movie, it means u have a heart! Haha tho at that girl telling u off.

fylcuzthatsfunny 0

Hell yes! Go little girl FTW

rockinbalr14 0

It was a sad at parts, even if you are a guy I don't really blame you for tearing up :P