By lonely girl - 11/03/2013 04:17 - United States

Today, I went with my dad to Starbucks. There is this really cute guy who works there and he kept looking over at me, so I went over to say hi. He ended up asking if my dad was single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 948
You deserved it 4 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She obviously said, "He's not single, but I am. Watching you is making me hotter than your coffee, so no need for more cream for me."


Its ok we all have to play the ugly friend sometime

onorexveritas 23

You could do better than a Starbucks employee!


Whoa!!! Of all the possible outcomes, that sux

Your sister actually posted this online...the comics. ._. Got a shit ton of likes