By Dancing King - 07/08/2014 15:36 - Norway - Egersund

Today, I went with my girlfriend to the gym for the first time. I knew I was in bad shape, but I bet her that I could lift more than her. Not only did I get my ass handed to me by a 5', 115lbs girl in front of the entire gym, I also have to attend Zumba in bright pink spandex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 364
You deserved it 43 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's awesome that you're going to the gym with your girlfriend. It's a great couples thing to do, even if the first trip was a little embarrassing for you. :)

Own it man. Dance with everything you have!


you need to wear a pink bandana and carry a small purse, own it and live it for the day. next time don't make a bet you can't win, wimp.

I was at the gym recently with my 5', 105lb daughter when a 6' something male tried to intimidate us off the bench press, though it didn't work because we took our sweet time. I laughed so hard as we were leaving because he couldn't budge an inch the weight she was doing reps of 10 with.

Big things come in small packages. core strength is the result of conditioning

gameover18 17

... I wish I had a girlfriend to go to the gym with.

hahaha dance you're ball's off OP ;)

The_Big_Boss 20

You reminded me of Dale gribble when he could hardly bench the bar alone with no weights on it

hippo1234 19

Little trick: Inches has 2 syllables, so there's 2 marks, and feet has 1 syllable, so there's one mark. 5 feet->5' 5 inches->5"

stan_the_man 4

nothing wrong with a little dancing!

Just think about how fabulous you'll look. And how fit you will be afterwards.

Drag0nb0rn 22

For those hating on 14 it actually did show inches earlier but it's been edited