Sorry dude

By Mystic241 - 09/04/2022 06:00

Today, I went to check my mail but there was a guy standing at the mailbox. I said, "Hey, get the fuck away from there." It was the mailman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 156
You deserved it 1 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, you're lucky he didn't go postal on you.

The uniform and mailbag didn't make you think before you opened your big mouth? Or was this some sort of shady undercover incognito mail delivery?


The uniform and mailbag didn't make you think before you opened your big mouth? Or was this some sort of shady undercover incognito mail delivery?

Damn, you're lucky he didn't go postal on you.

As someone who works at an office that relies on the post office to deliver our products to our customers, I'm going to assume that the mailman was a substitute/new carrier, and OP didn't recognize him. But still, you'd think he'd have a uniform or at least a mail bag with him. But then again, these sub carriers are awful and half the time misdeliver things if they deliver them at all, so who knows.

Nhayaa2.0 17

Well maybe you should work on your obvious lack of politeness. No need to be rude, you could have just asked him to move, nicely.