
By nostamp - 10/07/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, I rushed to the post office to mail an important document for the study abroad program that I'd applied for, which was due in a few days. Just as the envelope slipped out of my hand and into the mail box, I caught a glimpse of the upper right corner where there was supposed to be a stamp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 322
You deserved it 39 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fyourlife33 0

if you were at the post office like you said then just ask one of the employees to get it for you... big deal

testing_fml 0

You should always make sure of those things. So YDI.


testing_fml 0

You should always make sure of those things. So YDI.

thebigslim 13

Yeah you deserve it.... but I know I have done that at least once in my lifetime, so you could have submitted one MUCH worse than this.

You were going to a study abroad program and missed it because you forgot a stamp on the envelope? The point is, people have done it but I'm pretty sure you haven't studied abroad "many times" That's the fml part.

m00sem00se 0

I dare you to make less sense.

a1mostevi1 0

i accept your dare! ......pineapple.

renyark209 0

YDI... Dumb mistake. Always double check the envelope to make sure its correct.

fyourlife33 0

if you were at the post office like you said then just ask one of the employees to get it for you... big deal

Yeah, I mean if it was 6pm and that was the absolute last day to deliver it, then yeah, FYL. But you could have just asked a post office employee for help.

lastminuteperm 0

YDI. If you still had a few days, why rush?

fyourlife33 0

im guessing the op was sending it to another country.....

kingbeau 0

Sending mail to other countries has taken closer to weeks than days whenever I've tried it.... The only mail that gets there within a few days is local and if its local why didn't she just go drop it off? Maybe its different for some other countries, but in my experience, a few days for mailing something is guaranteed too late...

girlygirl666 0
The_Cait 0

They'll mail it back to the return address if there is insufficient postage. So you'll find it in your own mailbox soon and can re-mail it properly then [unless you ALSO forgot to put a return address]. Since you have a few days before they're due, it might be fine.