By shawty_x - 26/04/2009 12:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke to find my boyfriend of 2 years gone. I saw my little sister's talking bear at the bottom of my bed, it said "squeeze me" so I squeezed it and it said "it's over." It was my boyfriends voice. I was dumped by a talking bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 216
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow I'm at a loss for words. It's amazing what stunts losers would pull to get out of having a mature, face-to-face talk with you.


why do people always asume that someone is a piece of shit just because he decided to dumb his gf in a really creative and amusing way? She could be a psyco and go apeshit insane if he did it face to face, or he could've wanted to at least make her laugh a bit and cheer her up in a really strange way... or he could just be a pussy but srsly, at least contemplate other options!

thedash 0

im so sorry:( that must've hurt.

ellebell 0

brownie points for creativity...

Gotz_No_Love 1

that's kind of funny and creative, but that really sucks for you. that guy is a pussy. you're better off without him.

Jertastic 0

What is this Dr. Dolittle?!?!?!

gustavilicious 0

Monty_Python 0
Socrates_fml 0

now what you do is make sure everyone knows he did that. that's one of those dead giveaways that he doesn't have a spine and no woman should waste time with him. how did u explain to ur sister why her bear was so angry?

If he's been dating her for 2 years, she can't be that horrible. And even if she is super emotional and all of that and he didn't want to tell her to her face, the least he could have done (after, I repeat, 2 years of dating) is write a letter, leave a message, or email her or something. That was unnecessarily mean, and she's well off without him.