By shawty_x - 26/04/2009 12:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke to find my boyfriend of 2 years gone. I saw my little sister's talking bear at the bottom of my bed, it said "squeeze me" so I squeezed it and it said "it's over." It was my boyfriends voice. I was dumped by a talking bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 216
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow I'm at a loss for words. It's amazing what stunts losers would pull to get out of having a mature, face-to-face talk with you.


that's really hilarious lol. thats a really creative but probly expensive way to break up. dont think of this guy as a dick cuz he broke up with his GF, consider things from his point of view, this chick could be a hige bitch who deserves it.. just sayin. FYL

How the HELL did he do that? I'm sorry, but FYL.

jumpgurl23 0

HAHA freakin Bulid a bear....Im so doing thid tomy boyfriend when we break up lol

EffinWhosLife 0

Why the **** would he be messing with your little sister's bear?

Some of these comments are ridiculous. There are reasons he could be sleeping at her/her parents' house - nobody said he was LIVING there. They could've been napping. Or maybe her parents are cool and don't mind if he spends the night. And maybe he'd seen the bear before; if he hangs out with her family, maybe he just knew it existed and thought it would be a good idea to use it, so he went and got it. That said, it was a horrible idea, insensitive, and completely cruel. What a dickwad. Unless she was running around cheating on him, nobody deserves that kind of coldness after wasting two years of their life on a guy.

Haha he went to the build a bear workshop and bought the thing to put inside the teddy bear. I've done that before but never to break up with someone.

Go to a Build A Bear Workshop and tell them you want to record your own greeting in the bear. They'll give you this little plastic mic thing shaped like a circle. You record something and then they put tape over it so it won't reset what you said. She could rip the piece out and re-record on it. The piece is like 2 dollars.

rihannalover 0

none of that, "at least he was creative" i still don't think it's true. why would you squeeze a ******* bear when you have serious relationship problems, haha.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

I say give him a call and say you won't accept that message until he gives it to himself, face-to-face. Oh, and #73, unless you know the couple or actually are that chicken-shit boyfriend, you have no reason to say she deserves it.