By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 17:43 - Spain - Tordesillas

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and heavy drinking. Apparently word travels quickly, because everyone now knows that I spent hours lying in an empty bathtub, rubbing shampoo over my body with the expectation that it'd increase my penis size. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 025
You deserved it 34 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf, you're supposed to use conditioner to do that. Duh

unknown_user5566 26

Oh, we've totally all been there. Took me a while of frustrating failed drunken attempts before I realized I didn't have a penis.


Well OP you have a small penis, and now everyone knows baby penis.

unknown_user5566 26

I don't know Baby Penis. I'm upset that I was left out if everyone knows him. :(

Greendaycheese 12

It works, just depends how fast you rub it on...

challan 19

Damn you took mine! Instant growth.

Just crack out some extenze. Then they will be proven wrong!

flashback.miss 28

LOL. Maybe you should invest in Viagra instead.

It does make it bigger, but not anymore then normal.

And now everyone else knows about last night

Use L'Oréal's famous shampoo cause your worth it!!

tony1891 22

it rubs the shampoo on it's penis. it does this whenever it's told.

agm77 9

Oh yeah, keep doing that.

Dr0reos 8

I once got so drunk I poured honey over myself stoop naked in the middle of the highway screaming "I PLEAD INSANITY!!!" while throwing rocks at oncoming traffic