By Anonymous - 03/06/2012 17:43 - Spain - Tordesillas

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and heavy drinking. Apparently word travels quickly, because everyone now knows that I spent hours lying in an empty bathtub, rubbing shampoo over my body with the expectation that it'd increase my penis size. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 025
You deserved it 34 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf, you're supposed to use conditioner to do that. Duh

unknown_user5566 26

Oh, we've totally all been there. Took me a while of frustrating failed drunken attempts before I realized I didn't have a penis.


smump 0

Try Miracle-Gro. Plants aren't the only things that benefit from it.

Why didn't you just get bed bugs? I heard it makes girls **** a size bigger....might very well do the same for your penis.

Oh damn, didn't notice someone beat me to this thought til now. Dang it.

Oh dude. If you were THAT drunk, you deserve it. :P

Well Op just get attaked by a zombie so you can become one since we all know that zombies have no feelings and the lack of your penis size will not bother you anymore and also zombies cant get drunk.

uumlaut_strohson 3

and no one drew a **** and balls on your face?!

singingindasnow 0

If anyone brings it up sober, just casually say that it worked. And if they want proof? Their the wierdos

You confirmed that the stupid become stupider when drunk.

ceegee415 5

Ydi for letting yourself get that wasted.

Wow YDI! You can't handle your liquor, so I would suggest you moderate better in the future. However, I'm sure you were loads of entertainment for those around you!

Well the more you know. Sounded reasonable and scientific to me ;)