By flying_vegan - 06/12/2009 13:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up and found that someone had taken a dump on my car. They'd apparently felt bad about it, as they'd then keyed "sorry" into the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 938
You deserved it 2 441

flying_vegan tells us more.

This was in Hoxton, in London...

Top comments

Yeah, I probably deserved it for my charity marathon runs, helping the homeless and rescuing animals. Wow, I'm a complete bastard... It's a good thing they don't know about my donations to children's hospitals or homegrown organic vegetables or I'd probably be deserving of a stabbing...

I like how the "apology" did more damage than what they're apologizing for.


RitzyDitzy 0

Well, when nature calls nature calls.

What a real primitive move! That person should go back to the cave/psych ward where he/she came from! WTF?

mercyFML, piss off, no one likes you! I ber ur parents kick themselves for giving birth to some low-life piece of shit like u!

happyhak, you must be mistaken. EVERYONE likes mercy (with good reason :D). NO ONE likes YOU. Go sit at home with Oedipus complex and your outrage, and maybe keep the outbursts as inbursts. Because I've heard that holding that stuff in can give you brain tumours. And you ******* deserve one.

No one likes YOU happyhak, hell where did you come from? I

sorry man that sucks but **** it was funny!

blink831forever 13

Damn! That really sucks. Sorry to hear that. It could've been worse the person who did it could've crapped and puked on your car.

oh so everyone likes mercyFML, do they? is that because all he does with his life is sit on the computer? i think mercyFML and his 2 boyfriends need to grow a pair and get a ******* life

r0ck5t4r 3

are you assuming mercyFML has no life because they wrote comments on FML? cuz.... you did too... several times. so i guess you don't have a life either. but hey, then niether do i, or any of the people on this entire website. don't make assumptions you idiot

r0ck5t4r 3

just for the record, i like this person. happyhak, however-- you are a dick. no one even knows what your problem is with mercy, could you shine some light on that before you continue spewing out generic insults?