By Shitty Boss Shitty Job - 15/06/2013 05:41 - United States - Davenport

Today, I woke up at 5:30 and made the half hour drive to work only to find out that it was my day off. After finally getting back home and into bed, my boss called, requesting that I come back to work since I was "already up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 022
You deserved it 6 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least it's an extra days's pay.

icadragoon 11

I'd go in, you're up anyway. Use the extra money you'll make to treat yourself on your next day off.


Grauncho 27

Wow i'd be pissed. Tell your boss he had his chance!

lmaouloser 5

And for gas money for making you drive an hour for no reason!

Extra pay and be way times are now it would take it...

Lunazel93 4

You make it sound like a half hour is a long trip. It's not so don't complain.

"made the half hour drive" It's in the FML, that's how they know.

when you drive a half hour to and from work every day, it does suck. i'd be irritated too.

My bad, I missed the "half hour drive" part

Lunazel93 4

Bussing an hour to and from work is worse but I don't complain. I wish my commute was a half hour.

FYL. I'm sorry OP, that has happened to me many a times on cancelled school days. :/

zafan123 6

So what, you have a job now. Get use stuff like this buddie.