By Shitty Boss Shitty Job - 15/06/2013 05:41 - United States - Davenport

Today, I woke up at 5:30 and made the half hour drive to work only to find out that it was my day off. After finally getting back home and into bed, my boss called, requesting that I come back to work since I was "already up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 022
You deserved it 6 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least it's an extra days's pay.

icadragoon 11

I'd go in, you're up anyway. Use the extra money you'll make to treat yourself on your next day off.


Is it uphill in the snow both ways? My mother lived out in the middle of nowhere when she was a child. She woke up at 5am every morning to walk to the nearest bus stop. Then she would take the bus an hour to the city then get on a train for thirty more minutes to arrive at school by 8 am. Then she would go to her job after school, then walk back to the train, take the bus, and then walk home.

You need a calender with your days off listed. This way you don't waste resources and time off. You also don't want to let your boss call you in on your day off, unless you negotiate extra pay or he offers to add an overtime bonus to pay for the gas you spent.

Shepardspie71 8

Shouldn't have picked up the phone

Or you could have declined. It was your scheduled day off, you're not obligated to go in if you do not want to despite your boss asking you to go for him. Kick up your feet and relax OP. Unless you want another days worth of pay then go to work instead.

Not entirely true actually. Any employer is allowed by law to revoke your day off if they are willing to reimburse you for it. They also can actually fire you for declining if they wanna play it hard.

kidsgotastinky 11

Aaaand that's when you find another job

Done that before. Except I actually stayed instead of going home

Well, even though it would be hard to think of an excuse at that point, you could always say "no, I need the rest" or something

Oh wow lol, that sucks, but ig it's money

metalhead_9118 7

This sounds like something that happened to one of my coworkers the other day

sinekt 9

I dunno about retarded 'murica, but back here a day off is still fully paid like a normal day (vacation days), so if my boss called I would have simply told him it's my day off and "see you tomorrow".