By Shitty Boss Shitty Job - 15/06/2013 05:41 - United States - Davenport

Today, I woke up at 5:30 and made the half hour drive to work only to find out that it was my day off. After finally getting back home and into bed, my boss called, requesting that I come back to work since I was "already up". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 038
You deserved it 6 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least it's an extra days's pay.

icadragoon 11

I'd go in, you're up anyway. Use the extra money you'll make to treat yourself on your next day off.


Kc1001 14

That's happened to me as well.

graceinsheepwear 33

If OP is on salary, you don't get paid extra for working on your day off, nor do you not get paid for not working that day. Isn't there anyone on here who doesn't have a McJob?

TheDrifter 23

Mine's definitely not a McJob, but I still invoice by the hour. Most trades and many professionals (lawyers, psychologists etc) bill by the hour for work done.

I'm a Hospice nurse, definitely not a McJob. I'm hourly and prefer it; was salaried at one Home Care agency, worked 12-14 hours a day, and you guessed it, only got paid for 8.

You cant complain about this Bro hah its all about choices thats why you His B. J.O.B = Just only B!tching hah

DorkAlert 10

you could of said no. I have plans to clean my house and visit someone.

uh say no? it's that easy. it's your day off