By urgg - 05/09/2010 14:20 - United States

Today, I woke up from a dream in which I had a penis. Apparently I talk in my sleep, because my boyfriend kept staring at my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 913
You deserved it 5 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ajilocks 0

hahahha. thats really funny no offense. i have two questions: are you transgender? 2: is your bf gay?

MichaelDePatron7 0

I had that same dream. wait -- no when I woke up it came true. I've always had one

kejzawn1 4

Well that's not really that unusual. Sigmund Freud claimed that women envyed men and wished to have a penis.. and that some women used to believe that their penis was cut off and that's why they bleed every month. Strange, the things you learn in psychology class :)

ElMundio87 0

Sigmund Freud's work has pretty much no credibility amongst modern psychologists just sayin'

monnanon 13

Sigmund Freud also believed that all men lusted after their mothers (oedipal complex) but that there was no chance of an Electra complex (girl lusting after father) He also believed that a small boys fears of horses was not because he saw a horse fall and die in front of him but was actually a fear that his dad would castrate him because he was a love rival for his mother. Did you know that penis envy is also the reason women smoke according to Freud, I wonder why men smoke then lol.

Not a single thing Freud postulated was based on empirically-gathered data, or any sort of evidence at all. No respected psychologist actually believes any of Freud's theories. Strange, the things you learn in a psychology class above the 100-level.

#9 one on the right in blue top looks like angelina Jolie ..

SavageFrenchFri 0

holy shit this is a fail.8=====D~~~O: (_(_)

I bet ur sleep talk wasn't the only reason he was starring