By Anonymous - 18/08/2015 13:26 - United States - Manchester

Today, I woke up from the most sensual dream I've had in months. Unfortunately, despite it being better than any action I've had in a long time, the dream was about me fucking a donut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 342
You deserved it 4 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think that's the kind of "sweet" tail you want to be getting.


Now I understand why they are called Krispy Creme donuts

AirBusDriver 23
saffy66 34

I seriously hope you're a guy then...

Better than a monitor with a Luke Skywalker leaked picture.

Can you say, "I made sweet, sweet love to a round lady that was as light as air"? Dreams are our unconscious minds playing with itself (no pun intended); I sometimes have what I call "Technicolor" dreams (yes, I'm old) where I wake up and wonder what engendered the dream to begin with. I have had constant subject for a dream very rarely in my life, I can only recall one particular set of them and they happened in the last decade of a 57 year lifespan. Unless you start dreaming of violence relating to specific persons or institutions, don't get bothered by it. Take care :)