By byepolar_bare - 19/12/2010 11:29 - United States

Today, I woke up late for work, and got sick at work twice; when I got home I discovered I'd paid my cable bill late when I got cut off. When my girlfriend came over, the first thing she said was "Do you know about the graffiti on your car?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 646
You deserved it 3 341

Same thing different taste


every on has this days, everybody.... u had a good day then???

u must live in Oakland, Richmond or East LA.

Hey, I live in Oakland, shit like this doesn't happen everyday...Just 3 days a week -.-"

At least you have a girlfriend, and your day didn't end with finding out she cheated on you or anything.

jlumba 0

You said you got sick twice at work does that mean you puked twice or had a HUGE dump twice? Just a question because you can take it either way.

this is a break up short of being the most complete fml ever

when he mentioned his girlfriend who else thought she was going to break up with him?

squirrel1215 5

Hey, on the bright have a girlfriend! Just tryin to look at the positives. =D