By B-Man - 11/12/2009 21:55 - Canada

Today, I woke up lying on the ground outside with a horrible headache. I camped out in my tree house last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 688
You deserved it 10 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually kind of hysterical. Now that I've stopped laughing some, I suggest you sleep on ground level from now on, and consider yourself lucky that all you got out of the deal was a headache.

some_girl9 8

OUCH! Be grateful you woke up at all! FYL


hahhahahahhahaha. lucky u only had a headache

Now that's what I call pounding some sense into yourself.

rdogrdog 0

I find it hard to believe that you didn't even break one limb

lol whatever, we're from ontario, we can take any weather. in fact, we laugh in its face cuz we're not little babies like in the states. EH!?

at least we arent maple syrup exportin, hockey nuts who say eh after every sentence

i live in windsor ontario. one of the southern most points of canada. its extremly freezing here, but it only has been for about a week.. this is plausible. either way, get it checked.

haha awesome, I think the squirrels were pissed u built a fort in there house and pushed ur ass out while u were sleeping

HAHAHHA. i've always wanted to sleep in a tree house.

I_Own_Ubers 0

this would probably be more believable if he woke up on hospital

Dude, don't drink in the treehouse, things like this happen.