By Kingspin - 30/03/2011 16:14 - Canada

Today, I woke up to a beautiful sunrise, the smell of bacon in a frying pan, and some dickhead trying to pick the lock on my front door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 679
You deserved it 2 920

Kingspin tells us more.

Kingspin 0

...How would I explain the third degree burns and traces of bacon grease? And he ran off luckily.

Top comments


Let him go to sleep hearing the sound of a 12 gauge.

open the door then splash the very hot bacon grease on the asshole. then say "pick that mother ******" and for good measure kick him square in the sack, then in the face and ribs. then call the cops. don't forget to say "i was terrified!! I thought the guy was going to break in and kill me!!". blame the face and rib injuries on him "falling down".


#62 do us all a favor and stop TRYING to be hard on an online post.

sorry about that btw that was me I smelled bacon and I wanted in:)jk

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

good way 2 start the day, eh?

Oh no! someone is breaking into my house! they might steal my bacon and all of my belongings! i'd better go post about it online instead of calling the police or telling him to beat it!

That's when you introduce him to your friends Smith&Wesson.

xDancer101x 0

call 911 simple... or u can go out the bac door and hit him over the head with a frying pan... I personally like the 2nd choice better xD

that's why people have frying pans or bats

karamelcorn 0
zSapphire15 0

Was the person making the bacon??