By huh - 02/06/2012 20:31 - United Kingdom - Troon

By huh - 02/06/2012 20:31 - United Kingdom - Troon
By MrMagicMan000 - 25/08/2009 06:47 - United States
By eyegouger15 - 13/11/2015 16:32 - United States
By fucking hell my eyes burn - 23/05/2014 22:46 - Germany
By lol smiley face - 28/11/2009 15:57 - United States
By tireedddddd - 25/11/2011 16:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/02/2017 09:00 - United States
By Chris - 03/04/2011 17:41 - United States
By whattheshit - 26/11/2009 14:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/01/2016 05:52 - United States - San Francisco
By WTF - 12/10/2012 23:00 - New Zealand - Hamilton
Doesn't matter.....heard sex.
Woody? What a nice name to give to a dick....or is it a toy story action figure?
OMG she's assaulting the cowboy from Toy Story!!! :D I had to say it. Anyway, I doubt they would have noticed/heard you if you just snuck past their room to make your coffee. They were obviously preoccupied with something else... However, to all the people saying to move out, you don't know how old OP is. Some teens these days drink coffee, not just adults. And even if OP is an adult, it's very hard to make it on your own. The majority of college graduates are still living with their parents because they're thousands of dollars in debt with no way to pay it off. They don't have a choice; if they want to have a roof over their head, they have to stay at home because they can't afford to pay rent and utilities, plus buy food, pay for any insurance they might have, and pay back student loans. Get your facts straight.
I would curl up in the fetal position scared.
Toy story?
Sounds like they were the ones who had a glorious morning.