By Noname - 13/03/2009 03:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to find my car broken into. After being upset for not hearing my car alarm go off I realized it had in the middle of the night. I had woken up and cursed the idiot who set off their alarm and put a pillow over my head, falling back to sleep shortly after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 786
You deserved it 54 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tall_Kid 0

Make your car alarm play music so every robber gets rick-rolled when they try to steal your car.

This is a common problem where most people don't know what their own car alarm sounds like or has a very generic sound. At least it went off so your insurance should handle it. Still... dumbass!


YDI for not checking if it was your car or not.

Lol, my car sets off it's alarm each time u get into it. No one notices

You're wrong. Everyone notices, they just silently wait until you turn it off again.

starberries 0

I hate people like you. What's the point of having an alarm if you aren't going to pay attention when it goes off? Thanks for waking up the neighbourhood for no reason, jerk!

I wouldn't know what my car alarm sounds like! I wouldn't even know if my car has one!!