By vinniesuckmadack - 24/04/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to go to school. I was unbelievably tired, but I gathered the courage to go take my shower. I then took a long shower, cleaned up my room, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Going back to my room, I looked at the clock, which read 3:22 AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 456
You deserved it 37 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this ringtone for my best friend is the same as my alarm. he called me at two AM one time and I got up and got to work at 3:15...

That's why I always look at my clock before getting out of bed. Haha, but on the bright side, you had more time to get prepared in the morning.


Hahaha, I did this almost every day for a week once. Then I made signs saying "Check your clock!!!" and put them on my bedroom and bathroom doors and it never happened again.

People are mean. I've so done that before AND checked the clock. During middle school, in the winter, I get up around 7am for school and it's dark out. One day I checked the time and it was like 7:20, so I was freaking out I was gonna be late for school, so did everything really hurriedly so I could leave at 7:30. I ran downstairs and my mom was cooking dinner.

angelfire_121 0

Ha. That sucks but not hard enough to be an FML. Maybe if you went outside and tried to catch the bus or something... Lmfao at people saying that the same has happened to them multiple times. And you never learned to check the clock before getting out of bed?

jer_fml 0

i've done that, with my clock...

Haha, this happened to me only a couple of months ago. I woke up, glanced at my clock and started to panic. Since I was all groggy from waking up and glanced quickly at my clock, I thought it said 8 o'clock. Which, I have to be at school at that time, and not still in bed. So I panicked and got ready. Right when I was about to leave my house I glanced at the kitchen clock and realized it was 5 am, not 8 am.

derailed 1

I would definitely seek professional counseling. People underestimate the impact such a traumatic event can have on one's life. Keep your head up, find a support group to help you through and with the help of friends and family, you should be able put this devastating ordeal behind you.

Satoyuki 0

I did that once. I went to bed at 10:00 PM and woke up at 11:00 PM and then got my shower and as I was getting a drink out of the refrigerator I happened to look at the microwave clock. I felt stupid. >_>

LilleyWhite 0

why are you cleaning your room before school anyway? who has time for that in the mornings? well, I guess you do at 3:22 am

KosmoK 0

uhm so if u have an alarm clock, didn't you realize the fact that it didn't go off yet? or are you one of those magicians who wake up naturally somehow??