By vinniesuckmadack - 24/04/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to go to school. I was unbelievably tired, but I gathered the courage to go take my shower. I then took a long shower, cleaned up my room, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Going back to my room, I looked at the clock, which read 3:22 AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 456
You deserved it 37 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this ringtone for my best friend is the same as my alarm. he called me at two AM one time and I got up and got to work at 3:15...

That's why I always look at my clock before getting out of bed. Haha, but on the bright side, you had more time to get prepared in the morning.


I'm so glad I found this! I just had that happen to me recently, and I was like what the hell? I was in the middle of getting my shoes on and randomly looked up at the clock and it read 12:30

haha I have done this but actually got half way to work before I saw what the actual time was on my cars clock.

Don't worry about it love, we've all done it! i did it once, it was like 4am, it was awful :) x

seriously, dont worry about it. i did it once at 11:30 at night, went downstairs to wake my dad up to take me to the bus. he yelled at me and went back to his drunken slumber.

nhfromtheheart 0

OP, go get a dictionary and look up 'courage,' because you obviously think it means the same thing as 'energy.'

you have to have courage to take a shower?

jbabble 0

done similar things and it BLOWS!!!

Twilightfan22 6

I did that yesterday I fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 12 it felt like it was late but it was an hour later