By vinniesuckmadack - 24/04/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to go to school. I was unbelievably tired, but I gathered the courage to go take my shower. I then took a long shower, cleaned up my room, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Going back to my room, I looked at the clock, which read 3:22 AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 456
You deserved it 37 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this ringtone for my best friend is the same as my alarm. he called me at two AM one time and I got up and got to work at 3:15...

That's why I always look at my clock before getting out of bed. Haha, but on the bright side, you had more time to get prepared in the morning.


Haaaaaaaah! Look at your clock next time, Jeeze.

That's happened to me several times. It really sucks, I know how you feel.

#5, sometimes when you wake up, you assume it's the normal time you wake up. I've done that before. My mom came down and asked wtf I was doing making eggs at 3:00 in the morning.

emo_babe 0

bahahaha I HATE when that happens!! XD lmao Sorry dude!

jkcmutch 0

haha i've done that a few times also. look on the bright side, you dont need to shower when you have to get up the second time!

Ok, wait.. so you took a shower, and then cleaned up your room. and after that you got dressed? do you usually clean up your room... naked?

monkeysss 3

This has never happened to me. I always look at the clock when I wake up. That must suck, though. I can't understand how that ended up happening, as at 3 AM it is still dark outside, but I bet in the future you'll be looking at the clock more!

missus_butter 0

#171 - that's why you're always dirty! Seriously, to everyone who says this person shouldn't be called an idiot, if they did not want to get ready at the wrong time, they should have checked the time. Furthermore, I personally know a lot of people who deliberately don't keep clocks in their house and choose their appliances so they don't have clocks either. These people all have two things in common: they're stupid, and they're usually not on time.

cbuckk 0

i don't get it does school start at 322 pm?

carolizzle712 0

196, what the hell? he/she woke up waaay too early. but OP, it's kind of your fault. i mean, use a frickin clock.