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By Anonymous - 29/12/2015 17:29 - United States - Charleston

Today, I woke up to several dead snails and worms all over my bed. I guess that's what my little sister meant yesterday when she said I'd be sorry for not letting her play on my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 381
You deserved it 2 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing to do now but clean up and tell your parents. Be glad she used dead snails and worms, not live ones.


FalloutScrolls 25

Considering you wrote a FML about it, I'd say that she wasn't lying!

Why the **** are kids getting more and more entitled as time goes on? Lack of good parenting combined with telling every child they're the specialest of special snauxflaykes would be my guess. A firm no and a swat on the behind is not abuse, no one will get traumatized. Hell, might even grow up into a decent human being? Who'd have thought?! Now get off my lawn.

LavenderCrow 12
KhaleesiDannie 26

Thumbs up for truth and special spelling of snowflakes

I'm pretty sure bratty children existed before the 90s. The older generation is just too prideful to admit it.

#14, you're a special kind of crotchety, you remind me a bit of my hemorrhoids, they too are easily irritated.

Tell your parents then get your own revenge

I would have used glitter... worms are sooo 2014

wow I wouldn't even touch a worm let alone a dead snail.... maybe just lock the door next time she poses a threat to your phone ...

Mathalamus 24

interesting. where does she find such things?

Mathalamus 24

Pretty sure dead worms and snails aren't easy to find, I haven't seen a snail yet..,

savagetitan 13

You'll be sorry when I crane kick your face.